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Dr. Bilal Ghafoor

Bilal is a dedicated and capable research fellow with over 5 years of experience conducting research in a professional manner. He possesses excellent verbal and written communication skills, along with teamwork and leadership capabilities. His diverse background of knowledge and expertise in the field of materials engineering enables him to effectively address engineering challenges. Bilal earned his BS (2013) and MS (2016) in Materials Science and Engineering from the Institute of Space Technology in Islamabad, Pakistan. He successfully completed his doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering, specializing in Polymer-based composite materials, from PPGE3M at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil. During his doctoral studies, Bilal focused on the modification of carbon structures with imidazolium ionic liquids to enhance multifunctional epoxy composites. His broad research interests encompass computational studies of materials, functional materials, composite materials, and characterization. Overall, Bilal brings a wealth of expertise and a strong academic background to his research pursuits.

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